“There is no such thing as bad weather, just inadequate clothing.”
Donate your quality, used outdoor gear.
One of the biggest obstacles to spending time in nature for many families is the lack of access to adequate outdoor clothing to stay warm and dry.
Please consider donating your no-longer-needed, high-quality outdoor gear to Greenplay Northwest. We will make sure to connect those items with families who need and want them.
Here is a list of some of the kinds of items that are helpful:
Insulated Rainboots
Waterproof Hiking Boots
Waterproof Rain Jackets and Winter Coats
Waterproof Rain Pants and Snow Pants
Fleece Layers (Jackets/Pullovers, Pants, Baby Bunting)
Wool and/or Synthetic Base Layers (please no cotton or hemp)
Wool and/or Synthetic Socks (please no cotton or hemp)
Wool and/or Fleece Hats
Brimmed Waterproof and Sun Hats
Wool and Fleece Mittens
Waterproof Mittens
Child-sized Outdoor Backpacks
If you would like to make a donation, please email info@greenplaynw.org with details about the items you would like to gift. Thank you!